Fitchburg Family Pharmacy Awards
- - 2017 Bowl of Hygeia - Awarded to Thad Schumacher
- -2020 PSW Good Government Award
- -2021 Fitchburg Mayor's Award
- -2021 PSW - WPQC Innovation Award - Matt Huppert
- -2022 Bike Friendly Business - Bronze Status
- -2022 Madison.com People's Choice Award
- -2022 NASPA - PSW Excellence in Innovation Award
- -2022 UW Phi Delta Chi Delta Chapter Distinguished Alumni Award - Matt Huppert
- - Dane Buy Local BIZ Award Winner
- -BeSafe Award for Innovation
- -Top Fundraiser for Move For Boys and Girls Clubs of Dane Co.
-Pharmacy works to expand access to medical services.
- Treat Strep Throat at the pharmacy, without a Doctor's Appointment.
- Pharmacy works to ensure access to Plan B type medications
- Pharmacy sponsors Bike Fitchburg 2023
- Pharmacy is recognized as a Bike Friendly Business.
- Pharmacy and City respond to increased testing demand, during COVID.
- Pharmacy hosts local government officials - affordable medication.